Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Climate Alarmism Dictionary

This really made me chuckle. Probably one of the funniest summaries of the current state of play in the climate debate that I've seen.

Repeated verbatim from Ron McCarley's post at WUWT:

"A Climate Alarmism Dictionary:

* Accelerated Sea Level Rise – places sinking into the ocean faster than the water’s rising.

* Accurate Temperature Measurement – what the thermometer showed after being placed beside the BBQ grill.

* Climate Alarmist – insists others don’t know what they’re talking about, but knows even less.

* Environmentalist – Leads a carbon intensive lifestyle, well beyond the means of the average public. Visits pristine areas often but doesn’t want anyone else to go there.

* Global Warming – not the run-of-the-mill average warming, but disastrous, nasty warming like wearing thermal underwear in Death Valley. Eskimos will be wearing Speedo’s if we don’t do something by the next election cycle.

* Movie Star – arrives at a movie premiere in a Prius, after flying there in their private jet from one of their huge mansions. Loves to preach sacrifice to others who live from paycheck to paycheck.
Advocates all kinds of burdensome carbon taxes because the government can’t tax their fortune more than once.

* Ocean Acidification – Hell will freeze over before carbon dioxide turns the oceans acidic, but it’s the best scare tactic that we’ve got.

* Overpopulation – Anyone else daring to have children.

* Sacrifice for Your Children and Grandchilden – we don’t even care about the people alive today, but it’s a great sales technique to persuade the public to choke down policies that will hurt everybody.

* Statesman – worries about the effects of DDT and golden rice on a wealthy nation, but ignores the countless deaths and child blindness of others in poor countries who could be saved by their use.

* TV Climate Special – scary pictures at a 3rd grade level, suitable for chimpanzees.

* Unprecedented Warming – actually occurred many times before, but lying to the public might work."

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

GWPF report on climate catastrophist "education" in schools is a MUST READ

Press release HERE.
Direct link to report HERE. [PDF]

When I first started reading this I was just going to put it up as a recommendation. Having finished it earlier and thought on it I'm now going to argue that it is a must read. A spokesman for Michael Gove has apparently already responded to it. If you have kids, or teach kids (or even young adults) you really should read this.

We're on the verge of a lost generation here, where education has not only become a completely and utterly politicised tool but it is actively impairing these kids' prospects through a saturation of fear (“I worry about [global warming] because I don’t want to die.” one child is reported as saying) and destroying any hope of critical reasoning as propaganda and science become indistinguishable.

No subject, not even Religious Education, is free from the influence. In many cases, it seems, the kids are being taught complete activist bollocks that doesn't even fit in with what is said by the IPCC. Never mind "children won't know what snow is" (courtesy of Dr. David Viner, still gainfully employed as a climate scientologist), they won't know what science is. And they'll be leaving the education system with no hope for their future.

A couple of apropos citations from the report:

"In a survey of 500 American pre-teens, it was found that one in three children aged between 6 and 11 feared that the Earth would not exist when they reached adulthood because of global warming and other environmental threats."


"It is easy to engage the sympathies of children with stories of damage to the natural world and images of suffering animals they will identify with. But children have very little power. Of all the sections of society who might make an impact on climate change, they have the least in-fluence. There is a real risk of raising levels of anxiety amongst children that will not only cause distress in the immediate term but will in the long term lead to those children turning against the environmental causes we hoped they might espouse."

Read it. Read it now. Read the whole damn thing.

If you want the short version, basically this is what our friends in the climate catastrophism community are attempting to do every day: